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Sunday, 2 August 2020

JooJoo Breakfast Club

oh this was so much fun to make! recorded August 2020. The cartoons were made maybe in 2019 or 2018. how you start is all it matters so get your breakfast right we serve vegemite, marmite, and mightymite and all other kinds of brekkie delights no need to cry over last night's misendeavour slap it on your toasties and you don't have to remember we give you what you need to help you start your day there's a cereal killer on the run and some famous people having fun the pig eats the chicken's eggs the chicken eats the pig we have the friendliest staff and lots of bananas a puppy and a birdsong some tears and lots of laughter we won't discriminate or judge you we don't follow history we follow the morning sun we serve breakfast 24 hours for early risers and all the all-nighters we look at life through a donut's hole we play a little uke, and laugh at it all this is the joojoo breakfast club this is the joojoo breakfast club

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